Most people do not realize that insider trading can be both legal and illegal. The laws against insider trading, people in a trading company shares and report their transactions in U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC. With insider trading, people use the secret, non-public information about the investment markets make trades.
Restore financial stability to America Act of 2010, the U.S. government under strict action against securities fraud and insider trading to help recover the economy and that the faith of America on the exchange. Thus encouraged, the SEC individuals the information they have on insider trading can contribute. If this information leads to a successful complaint, you may lose part of the amount granted to allow the U.S. government. This is called a qui tam law.
A qui tam lawyer can help you determine if your data can help to follow the SEC's insider trading. However, there are general things to see, if you suspect insider trading. Some recent cases of securities fraud by the SEC:
- Business leaders and employees, the secret information used to insider stock trades, their business name Insider trading is unfair, illegal and the value of your shares and securities, and stripped of millions of other victims instead. If you know of any illegal insider trading, you should not hesitate to as "Whistleblower" Act so that your rights and the rights of other law abiding citizens.
To discuss your information and the right to protection as a whistleblower, you should entrust your case to a reliable, experienced lawyer, Tom. Contact a prominent lawyer who Zavareei Tam & Tycko, LLP today to learn more about legal ways to learn.